Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Is this a Christian Vice President?

From a Bible believing Christian perspective, there is a problem with the Palin family. Besides the fact that a politician cannot be REALLY honest and truthful (compromising and white lies or worse goes with the territory) there is the question of choices based on attitudes.

If Sarah Palin were secular, or merely a “Sunday Christian” these comments would not apply. But she is presented as the real thing; a genuine committed Christian. Christianity is not a religion, it is a relationship with God, and the Christian's life should reflect this. Christianity is not about what the Christian does, but why the Christian does it.

A bit of paraphrasing to bring Biblical concepts into perspective might help. Paul writing to Timothy wrote (paraphrased for context):

The leader, then, is to be a man/woman of good name, the husband/wife of one wife/husband, self-controlled, serious-minded, having respect for order, opening his house freely to guests, a ready teacher. Not quickly moved to anger or blows, but gentle; no fighter, no lover of money. Ruling his/her house well, having his children under control with all serious behaviour. For if a man/woman has not the art of ruling his/her house, how will he/she take care of leading the country?

In the secular America, the attitude of an emotionally immature, macho, redneck teenager might be cute. Christianity is independent of specific cultures. Christian mores are universal.

For Palin’s daughter to choose a boyfriend who is such an inane, self-centred, narcissistic slob and proud of it too, says something about her daughter’s judgement. Unfortunately it also says something about the parent’s lack of judgement and their not imparting Christian morals to their child. Do they understand basic Christian principles of how to live a Christian life?

For the record, and to put parental responsibility in a neutral secular perspective, in some states the boyfriend would be guilty of statutory rape. In Alaska he gets off on a technicality (the age gap between them). If he were 20 years old it would be statutory rape even in Alaska. How did they raise their daughter?

It is not so much a question of the daughter’s out of wedlock pregnancy. It is having a boyfriend with those attitudes that is troubling. Christianity is not only about abortion. It is lifestyle choices. Christianity is not about children born in or out of wedlock. Making a mistake by getting pregnant is one thing. Compounding it, by a forced marriage to an egotistical, selfish jerk for political expediency, is not Christian. The boy said himself that he was not interested in marriage or kids.

Going back to the Bible and reading about the qualifications for a leader: Ruling his/her house well, having his children under control with all serious behaviour. For if a man/woman has not the art of ruling his/her house, how will he/she take care of leading the country?


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